It's Official!

This blog is now available for your Kindle! What exciting news for me and great convenience to those that like to keep everything in their reader. Not to mention- a huge step of faith!
This means that:
A) I will exposed to a larger viewing audience
B) I will have to keep my resolution of at least writing once a week - to keep my readers interested!
I plan to take this new adventure seriously and do my best to encourage uplift and share...
So, if you have a Kindle...please consider subscribing...yes - I do earn a percentage of the cost but I do not set the monthly subscription rate - Amazon does. It's about the cost of one cup of coffee a month from McKie D's - without the caffeine rush, but hopefully, you'll get the spiritual lift!
Your support of this new endeavor would mean so much to me and my family. It's not about the money its about showing my kids and those I people I mentor and teach - that it IS possible to go after your dreams!
As always
Be Blessed!