Slacking Off...

Ok, I admit it - I've been slacking... I say I want to write (& I do) but then my blog goes lacking...
For those of you that are interested - I have been busy working on some stuff...I have started painting, again - I've also begun to include some other fun and useful items to my "collection of goodies". ( like jewelry and handmade journals -- yay!
I've nearly completed my motivational/ Life coaching Program (It's called the Lighthouse Program). I'm currently working with some people to get it launched!
I know it doesn't seem like much, but coupled with my other "activities", such as working and mommy-ing (I'm a poet - I can use words like that)I've been quite busy.
So the updates:
Yes - new work will be posted soon
Yes - I know it's November and it's NANOWRIMO month so, yes - I do plan to try again if anyone is interested in joining me - I am a few days behind, but apparently my sister is right on target...phooey -I'm jellie...
Yes - it's November, which means that the baking has begun! If you don't already know, during the holidays I encourage everyone to bake at least one batch of cookies, a cake or or pie with or for someone you love in memory of my little girl and for the sake of spending time with family( you can find the blog entry in my archives ) - so,please, please please "Bake a Batch of love" with your loved ones this year!
and yes - I still have plenty to write about, but if you know me - you know I'm not into typing - Yet. (trying to psych myself out - maybe I need to get one of those speaking programs)
Those are just the highlights...plan to be back before the end of the month...
until then...
Be blessed
(oh and comment me with all the yummy goodies you guys are baking...maybe even some pics?)