Just a word...

Ok, I'm going to do my best not to get preachy, which would be all too easy to do in this situation...but this whole Haiti thing has me shook.  No, it's not the Pat Robertson thing -I'll leave that alone- it's the fact that it's only been a few days since the earthquake rocked Haiti and so many people in the "social media worlds" (Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, etc.) are going about their business as if something catastrophic hasn't just happened.

Mind you, I don't expect anyone, especially anyone who hasn't been personally affected by the quake on some personal level, to go all out, but I'm sure I'm not the only person who has seen people posting requests for loved ones and asking that we (the readers)pass them on...

Now come on...if I can get all of those silly apps on Facebook(like the "RIP MJ pillow fight"...huh?) or one of those ridiculous email chain letters...come on you know the one...yes..that one..the one you sent "just in case"... or read the (sometimes) mindless babble of people that want to make sure I'm a part of every aspect of their lives...then surely, at least for a little while, I can stand to read through the requests and pass them on for everyone else to see..." just in case"...because this "just in case" might really be a matter of life and death...

just saying...

Be Blessed


Section 8 Jax said…
word ...

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